Personal Project

Vanta Black: Pure


This project was inspired by those in my life that needed to be not only educated about our past but understand that blackness is more than one-dimensional. Much like Vanta Black, our culture and traditions are pure and nothing can or should reflect itself onto it to change it.


Vanta Black is the darkest material ever made by man. The ominously named coating, which absorbs virtually all light. It looks like someone has cut a hole in the air, leaving only a gaping, empty blackness. What makes this so interesting is that leaves a pure black, a surface that isn’t effected by anything, not even light.



Inspired by those in my life that needed to be not only educated about our past but understand that blackness is more than one-dimensional. Much like Vanta Black, our culture and traditions are pure and nothing can or should reflect itself onto it to change it.After much conversations with my 19 year old nephew, I realized that he had been highly influenced by the media’s perception of black culture. He needed to understand where he came from and why it deserves to be celebrated.


“Our children may learn about the heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves the architects of the future.” — Jomo Kenyatta


“I think what you are trying to ask is why am I so insistent in giving out to them that black-ness that black-power that black…pushing them to identity with Black culture. I think that’s what you’re asking. It’s…I have no choice over it in the first place. To me we are the most beautiful creatures in the whole world. Black people. And I mean that in every sense. Outside and inside and to me we have a culture that is surpassed by no other civilization but we don’t know anything about it. So again, I think I’ve said this before in this same interview, I think sometime before, my job is to somehow make them curious enough or persuade them by hook or crook to get more aware of themselves and where they came from and what they are into and what is already there and just to bring it out. This is what compels me to compel them. And I will do it by whatever means necessary.” – Nina


 “…I think sometime before, my job is to somehow make them curious enough or persuade them by hook or crook to get more aware of themselves…”


Postmates Don't Cook Book


Whole Foods Market Brand